ISO 20121 Review Process: How this will impact the future of the event sector

ISO 20121 was launched in 2012, inspired by British Standard 8901 which was development to support the London Olympic and Paralympic Games demonstrate sustainability was considered in the planning and delivery of the event. Read more about the development of ISO 20121.

ISO 20121 specifies requirements for an event sustainability management system for any type of event or event-related activity, and provides guidance on conforming to those requirements.

In 2022, ISO 20121 will have a systematic review. This is an opportunity for any event professional to contact their national standards body to ask to be involved. 

Over 1,600 Positive Impact Ambassadors will receive a toolkit to help them contact their national standards body. Learn more about the Positive Impact Ambassador community here

A systematic review is an opportunity to suggest changes to a standard. To understand what changes may be needed it is important to ask if the standard is fit for use and to consider what has changed or could change since the launch of the standard.

For example: how has the event sector changed and what could it look like in the future?

For example: how could the need to reach net zero targets impact on the future of events?

For example: how could increased focus on planning an event with the consideration on Human and child rights impact on the future of the event sector

Positive Impact and Unicef UK have created educational materials and a guidance to support event planners to understand the importance of the consideration of human and child rights and safeguarding as well as plan their event with these considerations

Positive Impact

We exist to create a sustainable event industry.

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